Georgia's angriest peach Marjorie Taylor Green flips out when she sees Dr. Fauci on the House floor: "You should be prosecuted!" Carla Sinclair
airports After GOP toadies try to rename Dulles Airport after Trump, Democratic lawmaker has a better idea Carla Sinclair
false accusations Kansas man sues MAGA Rep. Tim Burchett for falsely calling him a mass shooter and "illegal alien" on X Carla Sinclair
Delusional lawmakers Marjorie Taylor Greene brags about Georgia's new airport project — that she voted against 2 weeks ago Carla Sinclair
conspiracy theory The 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival was chock full of red-pilled conspiracy content Jennifer Sandlin
deadly shootings Missouri Rep. hears about today's shooting on live TV — and his response says it all (video) Carla Sinclair
fox "He cheated on his wife and then left her with twins" — Dan Crenshaw blasts Fox's Watters' personal life Mark Frauenfelder
congressbros Lawmaker accused of touching Marjorie Taylor Greene gives unsavory response (video) Carla Sinclair