tucker carlson Tucker Carlson says he is "radicalized against our leaders" because grocery prices in Russia are lower than the U.S. Mark Frauenfelder
News Russia convicts yet another American — student Trevor Reed gets 9 years in prison on dubious charges Xeni Jardin
News That time Outdoor Channel, Maria Butina, & NRA tried to launch a 'non-political' Vladimir Putin TV show Xeni Jardin
Business For $4k/year, Moscow cyber-arms-dealer Gleg will sell you 25 0-day bugs for attacking hospitals Cory Doctorow
News Russia blocks Google & Amazon IP addresses, saying they're used by Telegram app Putin just banned Xeni Jardin
nsa Edward Snowden speaks at Moscow airport, seeks Russia asylum en route to Latin America Xeni Jardin
Technology His Majesty's Secret Service wants password to your nudes, threatens Apple for telling you Ellsworth Toohey
politics Poor little dictator's wife can't get her cancer treatment in London's posh hospitals Ellsworth Toohey
A Gaudi Muass Sein I tried, and failed, to solve the mystery of the Tyrolean tongue choir Jennifer Sandlin
native americans Idaho senator from Illinois screams at Native American from Idaho: "go back where you came from" Ellsworth Toohey
vladimir putin Kremlin's favorite candidate Jill Stein refuses to call Putin a war criminal during interview Mark Frauenfelder