scholarship Study shows that countries that permit Facebook's beloved "zero rating" programs end up with more expensive wireless data Cory Doctorow
net neutrality Today, a DC appeals court hears arguments on whether Ajit Pai's act of neutricide will stand Cory Doctorow
trumpism Charter slashes network spending by $2B, but makes up for it by charging its customers more Cory Doctorow
petard ISP that protested being ordered to block Sci-Hub by blocking Elsevier and government agencies now under threat for "Net Neutrality" violations Cory Doctorow
trumpism Ajit Pai killed Net Neutrality and Trump gave away a huge tax break; Verizon got billions and killed 10,000 jobs Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Trump's FCC seems to have ended the practice of releasing its ISP speed-tests, leaving Americans in the dark about what they're paying for Cory Doctorow
corruption New York Attorney General expands law-enforcement investigation into the bots that killed Network Neutrality Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Vote for Net Neutrality: today's the day to tell would-be Congresscritters where you stand Cory Doctorow
usausausa Carriers to FCC: Americans would totally be happy with throttled, capped wireless at home instead of home fiber Cory Doctorow
Business Your wireless carrier is definitely throttling video, but not because of network congestion (Verizon's the worst) Cory Doctorow
california Verizon to fire department: you're exceeding your bandwidth while you fight wildfires, so we're throttling you Cory Doctorow
trumpism 22 states jointly petition the Federal Circuit appeals court to reinstate Net Neutrality Cory Doctorow