surveillance Toronto business and government signal full support for Sidewalk Labs' dominance of the city and beyond Rosemary Frei
Audio Talking with the Left Field podcast about Sidewalk Labs's plan to build a surveilling "smart city" in Toronto Cory Doctorow
privacy Public treated to obfuscation at Waterfront Toronto meeting on negotiations with Google sister company over surveillance district Rosemary Frei
canada Sidewalk Labs' quiet plan for Canada's banks to manage a national digital ID for health care and housing Lilian Radovac
privacy Toronto approves Google's surveillance city, despite leaks revealing Orwellian plans Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Big Tech lobbyists and "open for business" Tories killed Ontario's Right-to-Repair legislation Cory Doctorow
privacy Canadian Civil Liberties Association sues Toronto, Ontario, and Canada over the plan for a Google Sidewalk Labs "smart city" in Toronto Cory Doctorow
health Ontario's low-budget Trump-alike wants to eliminate sedation for people getting colonoscopies Cory Doctorow
law Ontario court rules that Uber can't use arbitration to keep its drivers from suing it Cory Doctorow
corruption Sorting the spin from the facts: how big can the surveilling city that Sidewalk Labs plans for Toronto get? Rosemary Frei
mad kingdoms Junior and Trump just set impossible Cabinet requirement: Looking for people "who don't think they know better" (video) Carla Sinclair
short-tempered losers Ron DeSantis is close to rock bottom in new poll — even lower than Chris Christie Carla Sinclair
Did I do that? Retired baseball player offers up classic nonpology for anti-semitic remark Jason Weisberger