Copyfight Happy Public Domain day! Here are the works entering the public domain in Canada and the EU, but not the USA, where the public domain is stagnant Cory Doctorow
Comics EXCLUSIVE: introducing "The Dusk," a new superhero for dads who realize Batman is not the best role model Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Gadgets Lack Rack: Ikea's cheapest table is perfectly sized to rackmount computers Rob Beschizza
jeffrey epstein The "Jeffrey Epstein's Financial Assistant Scheme" is a 2020 twist on the classic Nigerian Prince Scam Thom Dunn
censorship Tiktok has become a vital tool for monitoring abuses against Xinjiang Uyghurs, but that's threatened by the company's new censorship rules Cory Doctorow
law Countries with longer copyright terms have access to fewer books (pay attention, Canada!) Cory Doctorow
Business In two days, an EU committee will vote to crown Google and Facebook permanent lords of internet censorship Cory Doctorow
books Bandwidth: science fiction thriller about networks of power and the power of networks Cory Doctorow
Copyfight An obscure copyright law is letting the Internet Archive distribute books published 1923-1941 Cory Doctorow