security The 2016 elections taught us to watch for attacks that undermine the legitimacy of elections Cory Doctorow
COVID-19 Politico asked 34 big thinkers to predict how the coronapocalypse will permanently change our world Gareth Branwyn
The electronic votes said he lost in a statistically impossible landslide, but the paper ballots said he won John Struan
china Hong Kong elections: overconfident Beijing loyalist parties suffer a near-total rout Cory Doctorow
law Judge orders the State of Georgia to be prepared for pen-and-paper balloting by March 2020 Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Defcon Voting Village report shows that hacking voting machines takes less time than voting Cory Doctorow
elections 11-year-old hacks replica of Florida's state election website in less than ten minutes Gina Loukareas
security State of Georgia goes to court to defend voting machines that recorded 243% voter turnouts Cory Doctorow
security A bipartisan, GOP-led voting machine security bill that would actually fix vulnerabilities in US elections Cory Doctorow
eu After Madrid seized Catalonia's ballot boxes, they unveiled their secret backup stash of ballot boxes Cory Doctorow
security What's worse than shitty, hacked voting machines? Unauditable, shitty voting machines Cory Doctorow
Business NYT publishes damning, deep look at Trump's commercial/presidential conflicts of interests, so Trump tweets crazy fake-vote conspiracy Cory Doctorow
infosec Alex Halderman: we will never know if the Wisconsin vote was hacked unless we check now Cory Doctorow
security Wisconsin: America's top voting-machine security expert says count was irregular; Fed judge says gerrymandering was unconstitutional Cory Doctorow
donald trump Michael Moore's to do list for a revolution: an intervention for liberals Maureen Herman