gender Wrestling's queer appeal: author explores performances of gender in powerful new piece Thom Dunn
video games "Pixel Therapy" is a new podcast about marginalized people using video games to help their mental health Thom Dunn
gay Straight people identifying as queer runs from ugly appropriation to beautiful idealism Rob Beschizza
books Punk programmers and queer hackers expose Reagan-era tech corruption in Cory Doctorow's new novel, on Kickstarter now Mark Frauenfelder
kansas Kansas classifies homosexuality as adult content in extreme age verification law Natalie Dressed
fascist florida workarounds Publisher offers free Black history books to Florida students after DeSantis tries to censor education Carla Sinclair
happy mutants Something New: frank, comedic, romantic memoir of a wedding in comic form Cory Doctorow
music All the Young Dudes: Why Glam Rock Matters, by Mark Dery — Boing Boing's first ebook! Mark Frauenfelder