Race to Survive contestants Reality TV contestant kills and eats protected New Zealand bird — claiming he was "desperate and hungry" (video) Carla Sinclair
protective cow elk Cow elk attacks 4-year-old boy at Colorado playground — just days after 8-year-old girl was attacked Carla Sinclair
Protective mama elks Cow elk charges 8-year-old girl on bicycle near Colorado national park — then attacks her Carla Sinclair
News Neo-Nazi leader who protested drag queen story hours arrested for child pornography Ellsworth Toohey
arizona Snake at a wedding: reptile stopped by to say "congratulationsssss" but is rudely removed from celebration Jennifer Sandlin
lawsuits The Stanley Kubrick biography his lawyers blocked in 1970 is finally published Rob Beschizza
salmon Truck carrying 100,000 living salmon crashes, astonishingly spilling the fish into a creek David Pescovitz