lawsuits Devin Nunes, congressman who took Twitter parodies to court, now sues Rachel Maddow Rob Beschizza
slapp Watch John Oliver explain how a coal industry giant failed to sue him in to silence Mark Frauenfelder
trump Jason Miller, former Trump aide, sues Will Menaker of Chapo Trap House podcast over tweet Xeni Jardin
Business Online security is a disaster and the people who investigate it are being sued into silence Cory Doctorow
security Ars Technica's Dan Goodin is being sued by Keeper Security over an article about a defect in its password manager Cory Doctorow
happy mutants "Pickup artist" douche uses copyright to sue Youtube critics, fans raise $100K defense fund Cory Doctorow
animals Listen: whistleblower story that Marineland threatens to sue journalists for disclosing Cory Doctorow
Business FunnyJunk's lawyer sues American Cancer Society and National Wildlife Federation Cory Doctorow
politics Romney finance co-chair VanderSloot and his distasteful practice of threatening journalists Cory Doctorow