Comics Sneak peek of The Devil's Cut, the first book from the much-hyped new comic book publisher DLSTRY Thom Dunn
picks No, anti-vaccine hysteria didn't emerge from grassroots. This rich NYC couple funded it. Xeni Jardin
politics FLINT: Investigators seize technology devices of former GOP governor Rick Snyder and 65 others Xeni Jardin
politics In-N-Out donates $25,000 to California Republican Party, under Trump. There's a boycott. Xeni Jardin
net neutrality People don't care about "Net Neutrality": they care about "internet freedom" which is the same as "freedom" Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Flint threatens to take away 8,000 families' homes for failure to pay bills for poisoned water Cory Doctorow
class war Michigan Governor Rick Snyder's MIDAS program had a 93% error rate and falsely accused 20,000 workers of unemployment fraud Cory Doctorow
picks Charleston shooter Dylann Roof found guilty in racist 2015 massacre of 9 black church members Xeni Jardin