human rights Using statistics to estimate the true scope of the secret killings at the end of the Sri Lankan civil war Patrick Ball, Human Rights Data Analysis Group
happy mutants High school class's electoral predictions model is a model for electoral predictions Cory Doctorow
Business English and Welsh local governments use "terrorism" as the excuse to block publication of commercial vacancies Cory Doctorow
Business A/B testing tools have created a golden age of shitty statistical practices in business Cory Doctorow
statistics Puerto Rico to dismantle its statistics agency in the midst of radical shock doctrine project Cory Doctorow
privacy A quantitative analysis of doxing: who gets doxed, and how can we detect doxing automatically? Cory Doctorow
Business Latest Federal Reserve figures show widening wealth inequality, and it's much worse if you're not white Cory Doctorow
class war Programmer pay and indent-style: tab-using coders earn less than space-using coders Cory Doctorow
scholarship American regions with high immigration enjoy persistent, long-term higher incomes and lower unemployment Cory Doctorow