sting operations Watch: Ohio school board president caught on video admitting he asked 11-year-old girl to strip and "cuddle" Carla Sinclair
politics Prepare for the worst: journalists who survived dictators sound alarm over Trump's press threats Ellsworth Toohey
crime YouTubers attacked by Paris scammers after exposing rigged cups and ball game (video) Mark Frauenfelder
guns and rosaries Missouri church calls for "all young men" between 18–29 to "form a militia"— then apologizes Carla Sinclair
china New Microsoft report says China campaign accused U.S. of using a military-grade "weather weapon" to deliberately start the Maui wildfires Mark Frauenfelder
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MAGA threats Envelopes with white powder sent to Judge Arthur Engoron and AG Letitia James Carla Sinclair