Gweek Gweek podcast 145: American Apparel marketing director Ryan Holiday on stoicism Mark Frauenfelder
Peoria Watch Jon Daker's awkward-but-charming renditions of "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and "That's Amore" Jennifer Sandlin
sociopathic cults One-fifth of Americans believe every school shooting is a fake event filled with "crisis actors" Jennifer Sandlin
Games Wonderful profile of Anita Sarkeesian, the feminist games critic who made an army of shitty manbabies very, very upset Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Algorithms to Live By: what computer science teaches us about everyday decisions Cory Doctorow
Entertainment Justified cools off with an episode that moves in circles [Recap: season 5, episode 6] K.M. McFarland