crime Obama's legacy: eight years of not holding executives criminally responsible for their companies' misdeeds Cory Doctorow
law Goldman Sachs will pay $5B for fraudulent sales of toxic debt, no one will go to jail Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Captured: a book of prison inmate drawings of CEOs and other too-big-to-jail criminals Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Fellowships for "Robin Hood" hackers to help poor people get access to the law Cory Doctorow
politics Elizabeth Warren's new 1%: the percentage of fraudulent profits companies pay in fines Cory Doctorow
police Small town sheriff buys tank: "the United States of America has become a war zone" Cory Doctorow
curiosities You can visit Einstein's brain, Rasputin's penis, Galileo's middle finger, and other historic human curiosities Allan Rose Hill
Jon Stewart Marjorie Taylor Greene utters strange sounds on the RNC stage: "She knows she's making that noise, right?" (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Audio catches Supreme Court Justice Alito declaring religious crusade to reshape America Ellsworth Toohey