Wonder materials Rainproof car mirror sticker looks great — but how long does it last? Mark Frauenfelder
Wonder materials Scientists create weird substance that accelerates backwards when you push it Mark Frauenfelder
Wonder materials Formica Forever celebrates the sleek century-old material and its indestructible beauty Bob Knetzger
food and drink Static electricity is ruining your morning cup of espresso. Here's how to fix it Mark Frauenfelder
sinkholes Uh-oh. Huge sinkhole swallows up Illinois soccer field — which was built over a working mine (video) Carla Sinclair
Chaya Raichik "They're importing people who want to destroy America" says Libs of TikTok founder in revealing interview Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Shop Your pet will never be lonely again with this robot toy, now just $31.99 Boing Boing's Shop
1970s "Pickled People" were heads made out of stuffed panty hose and smushed into jars, and people in the 1970s bought them for fun Jennifer Sandlin