Sacramento dildo saleswoman exposed as Neo-Nazi mass shooting propagandist

A Neo-Nazi online propagandist known for encouraging acts of far-right terror and celebrating the killers was exposed as Dallas Erin Humber, a 33-year-old dildo saleswoman from Sacramento.

Evidence compiled by a coalition of anonymous antifascist researchers — including from SoCal Research Club, @WizardAFA, @SunlightAFA and @FashFreeNW — and published this week on Left Coast Right Watch, an investigative news outlet, reveals that one of the Terrorgram Collective's main propagandists is Dallas Erin Humber, a 33-year-old woman living in Sacramento, California.

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Balldo is a balls-mounted dildo

Balldo is marketed as a "ball-do". The idea is that one attaches Balldo to one's testicles, then fucks someone with it. Balldo is not yet available for purchase; a crowdfunding campaign is imminent.

A new Era in sex has arrived! We've created the world's first sex toy that will allow you to penetrate your partner with your balls and unleash pleasure that you've never experienced before.

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Dildo throwing rebels hold Paiute artifacts hostage, refer to native peoples as "savages"

Unsurprisingly, the occupied Malheur Wildlife Refuge buildings contain over 4000 native artifacts, belonging to the Burns Paiute tribe. The militant rebels are not making the native Americans feel good about their occupation, and apparently call the natives "savages."

The Burns Paiute Tribe is rightly demanding the United States live up to treaty obligations, and prosecute any damages to their artifacts and archaeological resources. — Read the rest