Anti-vaxxers put dogs at high risk

Based on long-debunked fables, the anti-vaccine movement has pets as their targets. Purportedly, 53% of dog owners no longer trust vaccines.

Vaccines for Rabies, Parvo, Leptospirosis, I do not want my dog to get any of these diseases. I once volunteered at the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, CA; seals with Lepto are very sad. — Read the rest

Come for the opportunity, leave because of the poor healthcare, education and culture wars: Texas and Florida slump in livability rankings

Texas Welcome Sign

Texas and Florida grew fast as coastal cities emptied out during and after the Covid pandemic. But they've joined poorer states at the back end of liveability lists due to declining healthcare and education standards–and, of course, the culture wars. Texas, in CNBC's list, is now dead last, and even Florida has snuck in the bottom 10. — Read the rest

Anti-semitic Kentucky Republican 'meant absolutely no harm' with his misogynist rant against women's access to health care; apparently, stands by his alternate history of the Holocaust

No Nazis

During a debate on abortion rights, Kentucky Representative Danny Bently offered up what amounted to Holocaust fanfiction and a tirade about women's access to health care based on what appears to be largely imagined or derived from questionable sources fables about medicine and science. — Read the rest

The Wolf Among Us 2 is finally here

Wolf Image

I got on the Telltale Games train a little late. Well, let me rephrase that; by the time I played any of the brilliant Telltale Games, the company was already defunct. By emphasizing the narrative aspect of games through their distinctive point-and-click adventure style, Telltale Games vaulted to success and acclaim in the video game market. — Read the rest

Passport and Nobels

My life-long work of performance art is to somehow maintain my original passport: notwithstanding the life and opportunities of a techno-nomad.

What's new in the world of tabletop gaming?

I've been getting a lot of review copies of games sent to me lately, so I thought, periodically, I'd share some of what looks interesting and fun to me with Boing Boing readers.

Stuffed Fables
Plaid Hat Games, $60, 2-4 players, Ages 7+

Stuffed Fables, by Mice and Mystics designer, Jerry Hawthorne, is a cooperative story-telling miniatures game that literally takes place inside of an illustrated storybook. — Read the rest