artificial humans CEO of AI company describes an industry dangerously out of control Jason Weisberger
gaming Look at these incredibly realistic artificial humans from the Unreal game engine Mark Frauenfelder
unexplained phenomena Laser-cut by giants? How did this massive rock in the Saudi Arabian desert get split so cleanly? Mark Frauenfelder
education Teacher devises an ingenious way to check if students are using ChatGPT to write essays Ruben Bolling
language Scientists report groundbreaking first conversation between humans and whales David Pescovitz
Science AI can now describe how something will smell by analyzing its chemical structure David Pescovitz
Comics Marvel's Children of the Vault is a post-human cyber thriller from the writer of 20th Century Men Thom Dunn
passionate entomologists Bed bug expert offers the hungry blood-suckers his own arm to feast on Carla Sinclair
privacy How voice data is being used with AI to generate "predictive" medical diagnoses Elías Villoro