creative writing Ray Bradbury used 98 dimes to write the first draft of "Fahrenheit 451" on a coin-operated typewriter Mark Frauenfelder
education Lincoln Project's "School is Back in Session" video mocks GOP's disturbing education reforms Mark Frauenfelder
books Author Michael Chabon recreates the Science Fiction section from the bookstore of his youth Ruben Bolling
HDSF Quakes (not on Earth): a new entry in the Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Jesse Sheidlower
tabloids Kim Jong-un is dead, Prince Andrew is broke, and Kobe Bryant killed himself, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
books Ray Bradbury's captivating explanation of his Mr. Electrico character's uncanny origins David Pescovitz
books All of Me is Illustrated celebrates the Ray Bradbury Centennial with a 21st Century take on "The Illustrated Man" Matt Maranian
science fiction Mary Robinette Kowal wins Best Novel Nebula; prizes for Aliette de Bodard, Brooke Bolander, Phenderson Djèlí Clark, Charlie Brooker, Spider-Verse, Tomi Adeyemi, William Gibson, Neil Clarke and Nisi Shawl Cory Doctorow
slippery slopes Jeff Sessions officially sends memo asking prosecutors to give drug dealers death penalty Carla Sinclair
science fiction RIP Kate Wilhelm, science fiction great and co-founder of the Clarion Workshop Cory Doctorow