Technology "Claudia," a 19-year-old selling nudes on Reddit is actually an AI creation Mark Frauenfelder
law Virginia cop catfished a teen, murdered her family, then died in a shootout with other cops Rob Beschizza
documentaries "The Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist" is a fascinating documentary about Notre Dame football star's catfishing scandal Jennifer Sandlin
Entertainment Netflix's "The Circle" is my seventh layer of hell, and I can't stop watching it Thom Dunn
short films 'Ghostfish: Catfished By A Ghost' is a masterful dark comedy in five minutes Caroline Siede
crime When identity thieves targeted beloved open course teachers, Facebook sided with the crooks Jonathan Worth
mistakes Popular queer Native American Twitter account turns out to be unpopular straight white woman Rob Beschizza
happy mutants Naomi Kritzer's "Catfishing on the CatNet": an AI caper about the true nature of online friendship Cory Doctorow
Entertainment Against all odds, Community delivers an all-time classic [Recap season 5, episode 4] K.M. McFarland
happy mutants Embarrassingly obvious undercover cops take to Twitter looking for house shows Cory Doctorow