genetics Mutant worms engineered with spider genes spin silk six times tougher than bulletproof Kevlar David Pescovitz
animals For the first time ever, scientists finally crack the code for editing marsupial genes Thom Dunn
dna Scientists have successfully performed CRISPR gene editing in a live human body for the first time ever Thom Dunn
Science Russian CRISPR scientist announces new controversial effort to edit genes that cause deafness David Pescovitz
crispr CRISPR twins who had their genes edited also had their brains altered to make them smarter, scientists believe Carla Sinclair
Science Chinese scientist who edited babies' genes has been fired and may face criminal charges David Pescovitz
books Sourdough: a delicious story about nerdism and the flesh, by Robin "Mr Penumbra" Sloan Cory Doctorow
catfish alligator hybrids Catfish injected with alligator genes found to be more disease resistant than wild catfish Jennifer Sandlin
Science The Tasmanian Tiger's been extinct since 1936. Should we bring it back with science? Elías Villoro