deaths Belk department store worker died in bathroom there and wasn't found for four days Rob Beschizza
anti-DEI Tractor Supply Company ends DEI efforts and Pride month participation to please conservative critics Jennifer Sandlin
crime A carpenter used Apple AirTags to find his stolen tools — along with 15,000 others (video) Carla Sinclair
conspiracy theories Raw milk lovers are spinning the government's H5N1 warnings into a conspiracy theory Jennifer Sandlin
santa claus There is a school where Santa Claus learns how to answer heartbreaking requests Andrew Yi
Boing Boing Gadgets This Dollar Flight Club Premium will get you home this holiday season for a super inexpensive price Boing Boing's Shop
shoplifting Target blames "organized retail crime" for closure of nine stores in major cities Mark Frauenfelder
frugals A dirty ice cream machine at a burger joint in Washington kills 3 people, hospitalizes 6 others Carla Sinclair
lawsuit "Groundless lifetime ban" prevents grocer with a drug-dealing conviction from serving neighbors who rely on food stamps Mark Frauenfelder
video games "Ramboos Big Adventure" is a video game designed to create a youth market for rambutan fruit Jennifer Sandlin
activism Read about the activists who helped bring down bleach-peddling, wellness-grifting Grenon family Jennifer Sandlin