Games Nintendo would rather you not see its games running better on other companies' hardware Rob Beschizza
bizarre competitions Wolfing down scalding hot biscuits and other weird contests from 1897 Mark Frauenfelder
politics The Economist: Hard Right election win in Germany takes it into "uncharted territory" Rob Beschizza
politics Evangelicals are "brutal" about Mike Pence's candidacy, says Republican journalist (video) Carla Sinclair
racism NYT: Tucker Carlson was fired for racist text message: "Not how white men fight" but "I really wanted them to hurt the kid" Rob Beschizza
tabloids Prince Harry rats out his dad, and Mike Pence's revenge, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Space "Mystery House" seen on moon by China's Yutu-2 rover turns out to be boring lump of rock Rob Beschizza
covid Rand Paul's wife bought stock in Covid drugmaker as pandemic struck and they failed to disclose it Rob Beschizza