Boing Boing Gadgets Here's how to keep an eye on Fluffy even when you're at the office Boing Boing's Shop
youtube Definitely legitimate scientist promises to enhance your molecules with a "zappy" bulb, only needs $4,750 Ellsworth Toohey
delightful creatures Clingy doggo determined to follow her human's every step — even if it means climbing up steep ladder (video) Carla Sinclair
strong currents Teen clings to capsized kayak for 12 hours in Hawaii ocean before off-duty lifeguard spots him Carla Sinclair
attacks Yet another elk stomps on person in Estes Park — an "unprecedented" three attacks in 8 days Carla Sinclair
News Puppy-killing MAGA princess Kristi Noem costs GOP thousands in cancelled fundraiser Mark Frauenfelder