Nature Scientist voluntarily endured world's most painful stings to rate them for you Ellsworth Toohey
london "Like Covid with legs" — bedbug infestation in Paris is driving people to extreme behavior Mark Frauenfelder
Science Beetle grows a fake termite on its back to trick real termites to get free meals Mark Frauenfelder
bugs Dr. Erica McAlister gets up close and personal with giant beetles and hairy dungflies Jennifer Sandlin
Science 1000fps video reveals the underlying action of a stinging ant's venom injection for the very first time Cory Doctorow
AI Finally, a useful application for augmented reality: rendering virtual kitchen roaches Cory Doctorow
Science Nature's greatest con-artists: the parasitic beetles that trick ants into barfing into their mouths Cory Doctorow
insects Philadelphia science museum employees accused of stealing $50,000 worth of bugs Cory Doctorow