documentaries Documentary about famed sideshow performer Schlitzie "coming out soon" Jennifer Sandlin
happy mutants Kickstarting a Coney Island 3D scanning studio and 3D printed miniature model of Luna Park Cory Doctorow
movies The Story of The Source Family Birth Rope, as told to Boing Boing by Isis Aquarian in Hawaii Xeni Jardin
Roman-era Barbarians snorted drugs from tiny spoons on their belts to get fired up for fighting Allan Rose Hill
music Art-pop band "The Dream Eaters" creates dark and funny earworms that are perfect for these difficult times Jennifer Sandlin
music Drew Carey's incredible rant about his rapturous sexual/religious experience seeing Phish at the Sphere Ruben Bolling
Boing Boing Shop Get to work with this iPad-friendly Digi Pen, now an extra 20% off its already discounted price! Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Shop Save $39 on this app-enabled floor lamp that sets the mood and synchronizes with your music Boing Boing's Shop
the party of chaos GOP strategist says it's obvious why the party keeps losing: A "rapist" runs the show Carla Sinclair