corruption Deleting Facebook is not enough: without antitrust, the company will be our lives' "operating system" Cory Doctorow
economics Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz on how the US economy became a "rigged, inherited plutocracy" and how to fix it Cory Doctorow
donald trump 'Putin's puppet' Donald Trump is destroying America, warns veterans group (video) Carla Sinclair
tabloids Quantum physics, Brad & Angie, and Doris Day's scandals, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
law The Antitrust Case Against Facebook: a turning point in the debate over Big Tech and monopoly Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Taylor Swift makes a payout to all Universal artists a clause in her new record deal Cory Doctorow
gop White supremacy, minus gerrymandering: California GOP reduced to "third party status" Cory Doctorow
facebook The emerging split in modern trustbusting: Alexander Hamilton's Fully Automated Luxury Communism vs Thomas Jefferson's Redecentralization Cory Doctorow
racism Watch Ronald Reagan scold haters: "This country will not stand for your conduct" Carla Sinclair
politics Here's the weirdest, scariest stuff Trump said at 77-minute 'I'm not ranting and raving' meltdown Xeni Jardin
politics Lessons from the DNC: Ronald Reagan, the Southern Strategy, and "abnormal politics" Cory Doctorow
politics Watch Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Tim Kaine, Mike Bloomberg speeches at 2016 DNC (Video) Xeni Jardin