adorable animals Newborn gorilla miracle: Fort Worth Zoo's tiny survivor beats the odds Jennifer Sandlin
writing "Lives found ended": Washington Post unveils new euphemism to avoid naming the dead or the ender Rob Beschizza
landmarks New Orleans' Historic Perseverance Hall collapsed this week after heavy rains Jennifer Sandlin
Princess and the Disease Plague ship disgorges infected passengers into San Francisco Jason Weisberger
futility closet For nearly 50 years, Martin Couney ran a sideshow in which babies were displayed in incubators Futility Closet
literature Cornell English Department votes to change name to "Department of Literatures In English" Thom Dunn
happy mutants Abolish Silicon Valley: memoir of a driven startup founder who became an anti-capitalist activist Cory Doctorow
class war The right is bankrolled by self-interested one-percenters making long-term investments; the left, by one-percenters with "moral whims" Cory Doctorow
Business Foxconn promised it would do something with the empty buildings it bought in Wisconsin, but they're still empty (still no factory, either) Cory Doctorow