homeless In nick of time, garbage man spotted homeless person dumped into the truck compactor David Pescovitz
trains Knuckle-biting video of a fainting woman falling into moving commuter train and surviving! David Pescovitz
law Judge rules elephants can't pursue release from zoo because "an elephant is not a person" Allan Rose Hill
house Why does chimney smoke rise in a straight line? The science behind this cool weather phenomenon Popkin
delightful creatures Cockatoo puts on silly clown act to make dog laugh, but nope — the pup ain't impressed (video) Carla Sinclair
psychology Stanford's massive tobacco ad archive reveals a century of psychological manipulation Ellsworth Toohey
elon musk If you thought the lime green Cyberbeast was terrible, wait 'til you see this 24 karat gold-plated Cybertruck! Jennifer Sandlin