corruption The UK grew rich by looting the world; now it launders billions for other looters Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Open letters to the people of Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Poland: save us all from mandatory internet censorship! Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Swedes! Poles! Germans! Luxembourgers! The world is depending on you to save the internet from the EU! Cory Doctorow
eu Cheaters cheat: VW swears the €17B it stashed in a web of Luxembourg companies has nothing to do with tax-avoidance Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Shop A globetrotter's dream! Easily stay connected during your travels in the US and Europe with this $25 eSIM Boing Boing's Shop
medieval manuscripts The Getty Museum's "Macabre Minute with Mel" dives into the gruesome deaths of saints depicted in medieval manuscripts Jennifer Sandlin
lifestyles of the rich and hideous Free ports are places where the ultra-rich store their art antiquities to avoid tax and duties Mark Frauenfelder
Business Understanding "transfer pricing": how corporations dodge taxes through financial colonialism Cory Doctorow