News Lennon and McCartney's sons team up for the first time on new song called "Primrose Hill." Mark Frauenfelder
music Paul McCartney reveals inspiration behind writing 'Let it Be': 'I had a dream' Rusty Blazenhoff
twin peaks The time that the Queen turned down a birthday concert from Paul McCartney to watch Twin Peaks Gareth Branwyn
Rock n Roll Paul McCartney recording "That's Alright, Mama" with Elvis Presley's original band mates Gareth Branwyn
The Beatles Watch: Paul McCartney and George Martin in studio recording "Blackbird" (1968) Mark Frauenfelder
music Listen to the most epic Beatles-Wings-Paul McCartney mixtape ever, free to download Xeni Jardin
meme-worthy flubs JD Vance becomes laughingstock when he mixes up slain American soldiers with the Beatles (video) Carla Sinclair
music history HBO's "Disciple" reveals the untold story of Stevie Van Zandt's musical odyssey Yoy Luadha