politics Swiss "burka ban" goes into effect with $1,000 fines for face coverings in 2025 Mark Frauenfelder
christian nationalism In video, Christian lawmaker slams Ten Commandments school bill as "un-Christian, idolatrous, exclusionary, and arrogant" Mark Frauenfelder
hypocrisy Reno commissioner who insisted on religious invocations at county meetings walks out when Satanist gives opening prayer (video) Mark Frauenfelder
religious freedom Etsy merchant introduces old-time religion to Starbucks cup. Hail Satan! Mark Frauenfelder
Science Native American Church members fight harassment by authorities Oklevueha Native American Church
alcohol Muslim flight attendant says she was suspended for refusing to serve alcohol Mark Frauenfelder
religious freedom Satanic Temple of Detroit celebrates unveiling of Baphomet statue Mark Frauenfelder
religious freedom Disney World decides to allow Sikh postman to deliver mail at resort Mark Frauenfelder
religious freedom Photos of the new Satanic monument being built for Oklahoma's Statehouse Mark Frauenfelder
politics China detains Tibetans returning from Buddhist festival, arrests devotee who sees vision of Dalai Lama in the Moon Xeni Jardin