graphic novels Tyranny and resistance in "Death Strikes," the graphic novel adaptation of a concentration camp opera Gareth Branwyn
resistance When her pink hair is banned from the office, woman maliciously complies by wearing ridiculous "natural"-colored wigs Jennifer Sandlin
politics Spoken word artist Saul Williams released the EP "Not in My Name" two decades ago Elías Villoro
russia Pussy Riot's Nadya Tolokonnikova has a message for Putin: 'You have already lost' Rusty Blazenhoff
Kids Teen Vogue exec editor Samhita Mukhopadhyay: "proud to be 'the most insidious form of teen communist propaganda'" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Teenaged girl becomes a resistance symbol for her peaceful reading of the Russian constitution to a Putin goon-squad (they beat her up later) Cory Doctorow
gender Teen Vogue counsels taping over your webcam to resist FBI (and other) surveillance Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism No peace in Hungary as thousands fill the streets, risking police violence, to protest slave labor law Cory Doctorow
corruption New York Attorney General expands law-enforcement investigation into the bots that killed Network Neutrality Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Zephyr Teachout wins the New York Times's endorsement for Attorney General of New York State Cory Doctorow