climate change Scottish couple learns the hard way that Tesla warranties do not cover climate change Thom Dunn
dogs Watch Echo the Border Collie running free through a stunning Scottish landscape Jennifer Sandlin
books Why are we still treating economics as if it were an empirical science that makes reliable predictions? Cory Doctorow
web theory Reddit's wonderful "Change My View" forum launches its own independent website Cory Doctorow
uk Scottish police confirm requests from world governments to find money laundered through "the UK's homegrown secrecy vehicle" Cory Doctorow
russia Scotland is still a financial secrecy exporter, laundering billions for Russia's crime-bosses and oligarchs Cory Doctorow
uk The Tories' failed £1.2m social smear ads reveal callouses on our attention's tender spots Cory Doctorow
web theory It's awesome to see all these "rogue" government agency Twitter accounts, but what about hoaxes? Cory Doctorow
trump To see what Trump will do to America, look to his disastrous walled Scottish golf course Cory Doctorow
media Do dolphins really like chilled pickle-eating celebrities? This week's tabloid stunners. Peter Sheridan