sharing economy Startup offers to build studio apartments in homeowners' backyards and split the rental income Mark Frauenfelder
uk Uber's VAT-avoidance means it owes millions to EU states and will face huge cuts to future EU profits Cory Doctorow
Business Airbnb stealth-updates terms of service, says it's not an insurer and requires binding arbitration Cory Doctorow
Business New rideshare service bets women are ready to leave Uber's sleazy, rape-friendly service Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Trailer for The Internet Wants, when the big hotels use psychopaths to disrupt Airbnb Cory Doctorow
economics The Hobbit economy not bucolic utopia but tenant farming and ostentatious displays of clan wealth Rob Beschizza
libraries San Francisco Library pushed into restricting public internet access because unhoused people use it Jason Weisberger
space junk FCC: satellites in low-Earth orbit must fall within 5 years of mission completion to clean up space Andrew Yi
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