Republicans Watch how Sen. John Kennedy tries to trip up Stacey Abrams and fails miserably Carla Sinclair
Democrats The Democratic candidate for the Georgia governorship is a Black woman running on an "unapologetic progressive" platform Cory Doctorow
GOP hypocrisy "Pro-life" Super PAC spends millions of dollars to elect anti-abortion candidates, even those who allegedly pay their girlfriends to get abortions Jennifer Sandlin
georgia Anyone can now carry a concealed handgun in Georgia without a license or background check Carla Sinclair
living fossils Newt Gingrich: "Republicans have to turn out more votes than Stacey Abrams can steal" Mark Frauenfelder
law Judge orders the State of Georgia to be prepared for pen-and-paper balloting by March 2020 Cory Doctorow