Boing Boing Gadgets It's only February and I'm already so stressed out—here's how I calm my mind down Boing Boing's Shop
neuroscience Scientists discover how to hack the vagus nerve to fight autoimmune diseases Ellsworth Toohey
deep in the... of Texas To protect children Texas lawmaker proposes banning… sex toys Jason Weisberger
Roman-era Barbarians snorted drugs from tiny spoons on their belts to get fired up for fighting Allan Rose Hill
News FDA-approved device uses tongue zaps to calm tormenting tinnitus: costs $4,000 Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Shop Pamper your cat with a Cheerble Ball: the ultimate interactive cat toy is 20% off Boing Boing's Shop
hypnosis Zapping your brain with magnets makes it easier to hypnotize you, research shows David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Your dog will be entertained all day with this wireless robotic toy, now only $28 Boing Boing's Shop