names Student with taste/aroma synesthesia had to leave dorm because roommate's name had "murky piss smell" David Pescovitz
Virtual reality Digital synesthesia: Tricking your brain into experiencing smell as temperature in virtual reality David Pescovitz
Science What people with "calendar synesthesia" reveal about how our minds deal with time David Pescovitz
guns Blind person with gun accidentally shoots friend instead of the roommate he meant to hit Allan Rose Hill
Technology Scientists create electric lollipop that lets you taste virtual reality flavors Ellsworth Toohey
asmr Particularly odd ASMR video featuring young woman "recalibrating your settings" by "pressing buttons on your face" David Pescovitz
animals Watch this delightful video of a cute turtle munching on fruits and vegetables! David Pescovitz
music THE BUREAU: Part Nine, "Your Sandwich Speaks!" — with SBaGen-based Digital Drugs for New Year's Eve Ethan Persoff
computer science Hackers can listen to smartphone and computer displays to know what content you're consuming Séamus Bellamy