glam Yahoo Groups archivists despair as Verizon blocks their preservation efforts ahead of shutdown Cory Doctorow
politics Democrats propose making it illegal for telcos to shut off internet service in a pandemic Xeni Jardin
politics UK to empower media regulator Ofcom to regulate internet, remove 'harmful' content Xeni Jardin
privacy New York Times analyzes a leaked set of location data from a private broker, sounds the alarm Cory Doctorow
kentucky One of the poorest, most desperate regions in Appalachia is experiencing an economic miracle thanks to fiber run by a New Deal-era co-op Cory Doctorow
usausausa FCC Chairman Pai's former employer, Verizon, lied about coverage, and then Pai tried to bury the news Cory Doctorow
law Trump's FCC won a terrible victory in last week's net neutrality ruling, but we're still winning the war Cory Doctorow