News Harris gains "massive advantage" among "double-haters" in new presidential poll Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment The most 1970s moment in TV history: Gabe Kaplan vs. Robert Conrad in the Battle of the Network Stars Ruben Bolling
sexism World chess organization bans transgender players from women's events because of "unfair advantages" Thom Dunn
law Judge dismisses NRA's "bad faith" bankruptcy, says Wayne LaPierre "surreptitious" and "nothing less than shocking" Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets If you need to pass the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT or other standardized tests, this training package can help you prep Boing Boing's Shop
Business DOJ charges Huawei and CFO Meng Wanzhou with racketeering, conspiracy to steal IP Xeni Jardin
Business The bubbles in VR, cryptocurrency and machine learning are all part of the parallel computing bubble Cory Doctorow
sports The potential number one NBA and NFL draft picks were both ruled ineligible by the NCAA John Struan
elections Elizabeth Warren's banking proposals are designed to demolish the private equity sector and force finance to serve the people Cory Doctorow