arizona "Slay on, queens!": Hungry javelina will cost Sedona golf club up to $375,000 in damages Jennifer Sandlin
capitalism "Wastiary: A Bestiary of Waste" is a free ebook of critical essays and artwork about capitalism and consumerism Jennifer Sandlin
cannibalism The Badlands podcast looks into the lurid life of Armie Hammer, the "Cannibal Lover" Thom Dunn
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facebook The emerging split in modern trustbusting: Alexander Hamilton's Fully Automated Luxury Communism vs Thomas Jefferson's Redecentralization Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Barcelona government officially endorses Tor-based whistleblower platform Cory Doctorow
Entertainment Troubletwisters: Garth Nix and Sean Williams' action-packed new kids' fantasy Cory Doctorow