Leaked list of "Oath Keepers" militia members includes police chiefs, politicians, and serving military

Hundreds of U.S. law enforcement officers, including police chiefs, are on a list of members of the far-right "Oath Keepers" militia published by the Anti-Defamation League—a list that also includes elected politicians, serving military and other officials.

The Associated Press reports:

The data raises fresh concerns about the presence of extremists in law enforcement and the military who are tasked with enforcing laws and protecting the U.S.

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Reported U.S. airstrikes against Iran-backed militias in Iraq coincide with Pompeo tweet about 2019 bombing of U.S. embassy in Baghdad

Reports are circulating late Monday of U.S. air strikes against Iran-backed militias in Iraq. Three explosions reported.

"Reports of a US strike on Iran-aligned groups in Iraq are coming in after three explosions were heard in Jurf Sakhar southwest of Baghdad, a major Ketaib Hezbollah stronghold and sanctuary," tweeted the Brookings Institute's Ranj Alaaldin, adding, "Media accounts linked to Iran's proxies have reported fatalities." — Read the rest

'Army For Trump' ads incite armed militias to intimidate voters in 'election security operation', also Don Jr. doesn't look so good

President Donald Trump's son stars in this new "defend your ballot" ad, and says: "We need every able-bodied man and woman to join Army for Trump's election security operation…we need you to help us watch them."

Holy shit.

I mean, what else does one even say about these insane nwq Trump-Pence ads, and the curiously addled Don Jr., — Read the rest

Calexit: a fractured California, where militias and the DHS battle the resistance in Trump's future America

The first time I encountered Matteo Pizzolo, Amancay Nahuelpan and Tyler Boss's comic Calexit, I was skeptical: California separating from the USA is an incredibly stupid idea, predicated on innumerable misconceptions (including the idea that the state that gave us Nixon, Reagan, and Schwarzenegger is uniformly progressive, and also the idea that "the world's sixth largest economy" wouldn't radically contract the instant it lost access to the rest of the country, including the Atlantic Ocean). — Read the rest

Border troops bracing for possible clashes with armed crackpot militias of U.S. citizens, not Migrant Caravan

U.S. military intelligence analysis documents obtained by Newsweek reveal that defense officials do not believe there are terrorists or other national security threats present within the so-called "migrant caravan." Despite this, Trump has demanded that up to 15,000 military troops be dispatched to the border, to brace for an "invasion" that doesn't exist, just before the midterm elections.

Jury would not convict white militiamen who aimed guns at federal law enforcement officers

Less than a year after Ammon Bundy and his terrorist pals were found not guilty for their takeover of Oregon's Malheur Federal Wildlife Reserve (which included a fatal shootout four terrorist pals of Cliven Bundy have been exonerated by a Nevada jury for their 2014 standoff in which they insisted — at gunpoint — on the right to graze their private cattle on public lands. — Read the rest

Undercover with a prepper militia that patrols the border to fight "drug cartels"

Shane Bauer, the investigative journalist whose four month stint in a privately run Louisiana prison was one of 2016's most important pieces of journalism, has published a new piece in Mother Jones, this one detailing his time patrolling with the Three Percent United Patriots and other right-wing militias that are preparing for an epic civil war in which the US government will be overthrown and they will be the only citizens of a new country, with everyone else serving as "worker bees…down in the field growing food, gathering wood."