Whipped cream in a vacuum chamber

Can you de-whip whipped cream and meringue in a low-pressure environment? This important question was posed by The King of Random. The results are expansive.

The experiment repeated in a larger chamber:

"In a vacuum chamber" could be the new "by a hydraulic press"

Can you tell the difference between these dancing humans and these dancing chickens? Honestly, I cannot.

We've previously brought you the wonderful work of Smac McCreanor, aka "Hydraulic Press Girl." Well, if you thought her interpretive dances to hydraulic presses squishing things were great, wait until you see her "Chicken Club" work. The Los Angeles-based Australian artist, actress, dancer, choreographer, content creator and set designer has been creating absolutely perfect videos of her and her friends dancing along to the choreography of some very talented dancing chickens. — Read the rest

LA legalizes lowrider cruising again

Hell yeah! In a great start to 2024, the city of Los Angeles has lifted its decades-long ban on cruising. I actually had no idea that it was technically illegal all these years for souped-up lowriders to cruise down the street, blasting oldies and flaunting pinstripe perfection, but hey, you learn something new every day. — Read the rest

Dem thrashes GOP candidate in local election some media treated like a close thing

From much national coverage of yesterday's election in Pennsylvania's 21st district, centered on a hip neighborhood in one of America's most progressive cities, you'd never have guessed that Democrat Lindsay Powell was going to yeet a Republican challenger into space with more than two thirds of the vote, even though that's definitely what was going to happen because it's what always happens there. — Read the rest

15 LifePro massagers and exercise tools that will help get you in peak shape, all on sale

LifePro Fitness was founded when a pair of friends suffered ACL tears a few months apart, then suffered again through the rigors of in-home rehab with inadequate equipment and training that offered minimal support.

LifePro is dedicated to helping users power toward their fitness goals and recovery with solid equipment, clear workout routines, and support to stay motivated. As — Read the rest