This 3-piece collection from KeySmart could change your current EDC roster of items

As the world has shifted the last few months, it's very likely your assortment of EDC items has changed too. While you're still looking to slim down the number of items you have to tote around every day, there's a good chance you're keeping an even tighter focus on how safe those items are and how much protection they offer against COVID and everything else out there in the world right now.Read the rest

The LOFT Battery Base helps your Google Home go truly mobile

The world seems well on pace to putting a smart assistant in every home. Just during the first three months of 2020, over 28 million smart speakers were sold, a rise of over 8 percent from 2019. 

But while users all enjoy streaming music, getting information and controlling smart home functions through speakers like the Google Home, there's still one standout problem these speakers haven't fixed yet.Read the rest

The Smart Beat monitor knows and studies your baby's breathing as they sleep

It's a silent tragedy that no one ever wants to even consider.  But the reality is that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) claims the lives of nearly 3,500 babies in the U.S. every year. It's a horror no parent wants to face, yet the threat of this heartless killer has newborn parents keeping as close a watch on their infants while they're sleeping as when they're awake.Read the rest

Onyx is the home fitness app that knows when you're cheating and isn't afraid to tell you

Fitness apps offer some great routines and points of action for those with the motivation to stick to a program and do it right.

However, we know that not every one of those users is feeling that motivation. In fact, many of them will actually sabotage the benefits of their own training by not doing an exercise correctly or generally cutting corners to get done.Read the rest

The Gryphon Guardian protects your home WiFi network — and protects kids from themselves

Along with medical professionals and grocery store employees, home WiFi networks are also being pushed to their limits during the recent troubles. With almost everyone home at all times and the web as one of the few links to everything outside your four walls, it's a good bet that you're seeing screen times rising significantly in your household. — Read the rest