This memory training toy makes your dog happier, healthier, and even smarter

As you watch your dog chase its tail, spook itself in the mirror or eat its own poop, it's tempting to assume your pet, while loveable as all get out, is a bit of an idiot.

But when you stop and think about all the times your dog Houdini-ed itself out of your backyard, uncovered your secret stash of dog treats, or instinctively known to hide when it's bathtime, you start to realize your dog is actually pretty darn smart when they put their mind to it. — Read the rest

Finally, a smart bike helmet that lights your way, protects your brain and still looks cool

Nobody thinks they're going to get into an accident, which is half the reason why bicycle riders often sneer at wearing a helmet. The other half of the reason is obvious — helmets usually make you look incredibly dorky.

So the trick for any manufacturer is coming up with a helmet that's both cool as well as functional enough to potentially save your life if needed. — Read the rest

This smart, powerful robot vacuum cleaner will make you wish you'd bought a robo-vac years ago

If you still haven't climbed aboard the robot vacuum cleaner bandwagon, there's probably one question about unleashing a tiny carpet sucker in your home that nags at you above all others — do they actually do a good job?

No less an authority on tech as PCMag has the definitive statement, saying "robot vacuums have reached the point where they're basically just as effective and powerful as regular vacuums." — Read the rest

These 35 items can help your kid learn at home

Nobody is happy about the current state of our COVID-ravaged education system. With a new school year fast approaching, plans for teaching students still in flux, and political in-fighting driving more fear and confusion about whether or not to re-open campuses, teachers and parents are concerned. Read the rest

This 3-piece collection from KeySmart could change your current EDC roster of items

As the world has shifted the last few months, it's very likely your assortment of EDC items has changed too. While you're still looking to slim down the number of items you have to tote around every day, there's a good chance you're keeping an even tighter focus on how safe those items are and how much protection they offer against COVID and everything else out there in the world right now.Read the rest