MAGA in fantasyland Uh-oh. Donald Trump thinks Hillary Clinton used acid that "destroys everything within 10 miles" (video) Carla Sinclair
Book John Waters' new book, "Mr. Know-It-All: The Tarnished Wisdom of a Filth Elder" Rusty Blazenhoff
elon musk If you thought the lime green Cyberbeast was terrible, wait 'til you see this 24 karat gold-plated Cybertruck! Jennifer Sandlin
Science Here's a great new thing to worry about: "Mirror life" could destroy life on Earth Ruben Bolling
youtube Definitely legitimate scientist promises to enhance your molecules with a "zappy" bulb, only needs $4,750 Ellsworth Toohey
politics China bans exports of crucial tech minerals gallium, germanium, and antimony to U.S. Ellsworth Toohey