uk RIP Anna Campbell, a British woman who joined an all-woman Kurdish Protection Unit in Syria Cory Doctorow
History Downright freaky Halloween costumes from a rural Scottish island in the 1930s (video) David Pescovitz
censorship Watch the 2 Live Crew perform in front of a befuddled and disgruntled audience at the Phil Donahue Show in 1990 Jennifer Sandlin
Comics Comics legend Grant Morrison on "The Invisibles" for TV, Wonder Woman, Robert Anton Wilson, and magick David Pescovitz
police Wakefield Rural police in West Yorkshire threatens to prosecute anyone who mocks its epic drug bust Rob Beschizza
Robert Anton Wilson A review of Cosmic Trigger, a play based on Robert Anton Wilson's autobiography Ferdinando Buscema
politics 370 economists sign letter slamming Trump for 'magical thinking and conspiracy theories' Xeni Jardin
law Judge says Citibank's law-school loan isn't "student debt" and can be discharged in bankruptcy Cory Doctorow
offworld Offworld Monday reflection: Now with one hundred percent more digital plants Leigh Alexander