Disney After massive public outcry, Disney stops attempt to kill lawsuit after killing restaurant guest Yoy Luadha
cybersecurity Mike Lindell's must pay $5 million in "Prove Mike Wrong" election-fraud challenge Mark Frauenfelder
eulas Public outcry has killed an attempt turn clickthrough terms of service into legally binding obligations (for now) Cory Doctorow
labor The FAIR Act will end forced arbitration for employment, consumer, antitrust and civil rights disputes Cory Doctorow
law An upcoming Supreme Court ruling could force all workers into forced arbitration, deprived of the right to class lawsuits Cory Doctorow
law Those "heroic rogue GOP senators" just helped Trump shield Equifax and Wells Fargo from lawsuits Cory Doctorow
Business AT&T: it's not "forced arbitration" because no one forced you to have broadband Cory Doctorow
machine learning engineers How Chase froze $180k and left a tech consultant scrambling Mark Frauenfelder
Mike Lindell Mike Lindell's newest legal disaster: owes millions after losing fraud challenge Mark Frauenfelder