religion Dutch church holds 27 days of round-the-clock services to protect immigrant family from deportation Cory Doctorow
politics Armenian political rally ends in tragedy when political hydrogen balloons burst into flames Cory Doctorow
geographically-challenged candidates Trump confuses Georgia state with eastern European country in latest screw-up Carla Sinclair
Disney John Mulaney learns about the no-fly zone over Disneyland, but don't tell fleeing felons Ruben Bolling
pareidolia Jesus appeared as wet stain on church floor welcoming worshippers to Easter services David Pescovitz
prodigies Incredible 5-year-old demonstrates how he perfectly writes in more than a dozen fonts (video) Carla Sinclair
guillotine watch A rogue's gallery of 17 of Eastern Europe's richest, most politically connected oligarchs Cory Doctorow