biters Japanese mayor who bit gold medal says he will forfeit $13,000 of his salary to make amends Mark Frauenfelder
insects Nevada swarming with over 3,000 mosquitos infected with West Nile Virus: "It is explosive here" Carla Sinclair
politics Audio catches Supreme Court Justice Alito declaring religious crusade to reshape America Ellsworth Toohey
NASA Lunar Node 1: the trailblazing lunar beacon guiding NASA's future in space exploration Carolyn Townsend
excellent bugs Happy Father's Day, especially to the greatest dad of all, the male giant waterbug! Jennifer Sandlin
fake news The New Deal was partly motivated by a desire to kill the fake news epidemic of the Gilded Age Cory Doctorow
denialism A new biography reveals the Koch brothers' very early role in creating organized climate denial Cory Doctorow
History Hi rez images from NASA's 1967/8 Lunar Orbiters were withheld to hide US spying capabilities Cory Doctorow
Flynnghazi Newsweek: "Trump either knows exactly what Flynn said, or he is incompetent" Mark Frauenfelder